Saturday 11 January 2014


An interview with Swaguja ^.^

Hey Hai guys ^.^  So today i was thinking of again posting some jokes cuz i really had nothing better to do - yet again , but i was at Woozen Questsearlier , And i spotted Swaguja there, the winner of star of the week! And she begged me to take her interview .I was all like " oh im busy " and she was like " plz plz plz" And i finally agreed .-. . ( jk ) So here it is 

Me : Hi Swag ! :) could i please have a word?                                                         
Swag( swaguja ) : Sure :)                                                                                          
Me : Great ! :P My first question is : How did you win the Star Of the Week ?        
Swag : They loved my outfit ! That's how !                                                              
Me : And how did you get the idea of that awesome outfit ?                                     
Swag: Probably because drag queens got style xD                                                     
Me:  Great answer xD .So do u have anything to say to our readers and upcomers?                           Swag : Remeber to win with style and use lots of bright colours !                                                                           

So that was all , im so going to try out for next week's Star Of the Week xD Wish me luck xP . So anyway yesterday i got lots of messages answering yesterday's questions . 
So guys that was all :P Hoped you like the interview with swaguja xP So that's See you guys next week xP 

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