Friday 24 January 2014


Hai Hai!

I was thinking about every saturday I'll be posting what is the popular clothing on Wzw!

So this hair came out a while ago and it was about 350 wooz then :P

Now it's about 750 beex or 150 wooz!

The hair looks lovely on the side and it has attract a lot of woozens to buy it :)

The popular clothing of the week is....

Blossom Beauty Hair!

Yes I have 10 of them xD

This hair I been seeing a lot lately.
Everywhere I go I see at least 1 woozen wearing it :P
(Sometimes none.)

Have you got these popular item yet? 

Kay Kay


Tuesday 21 January 2014

Tester Life

Hey guys! So I was talking to one of my friends on Google+ & she sent me some pictures
she got from Facebook..

So the first picutre, is now we can change our name and the other one is how it will look? But remember, she got it from Alec-Star who is a tester for iPad. So maybe it's only for iPad. That's dumb if it is. xD If this is real though I think it looks good but a little too babyish... :P Tell us what you think in the chatbox! 

Sunday 19 January 2014

Beautiful Fashion!

 Woozworld Style!

                           Everyone has their own sense of style, no matter how weird, freaky, pretty, or sophisticated it is! Here are some of my Faves!

First Picture
This particular outfit is a great example of how people (even on woozworld) dress according to the season! the way she tinted her hair just a little pink-purple made it match the outfit MUCH better!

Second Picture
I know the pirates collection is a little old, well, VERY old, but i always loved it <3 I like how the "models" in this picture may have had the same theme, but you can see that one wears adventure shorts, one wears shorts, and the woozen in front wears longer pants. This is a great example of how to mix and match your outfits. Onward!

Third Picture
I was mainly focused on the woozen with iceblocs (yes that is correct) and how she used the glamz prom hair and the rare Peacock Dress that I've always loved. The earrings match the dress, the dress matches the iceblocs, and the iceblocs don't overlap with any clothing = GREAT OUTFIT! The other two woozens in the picture have an outfit that works for girls and boys, which is something I would wear! this is just a bunch of outfits you can skip if you want <3

Fourth Picture
Haha best outfit yet! the manni glitch is one of my favorites to wear around woozworld. It really expresses to me how either 1. You're trying to be funny OR 2. You think that the styles made by woozworld don't suit you and you're demonstrating (since you're a manni) that you can wear anything you want a people better not care, kind of like in the store. Three more to go for people still reading this!

Fifth Picture
Somehow, this woozen managed to use a childish tutu, and make a sophisticated outfit! I'm scared ^-^ the green in the outfit goes perfectly with her eyes!and of course, the legendary DeadMau5 ears! I would've never thought of this outfit.

Sixth Picture
This is a classy sophisticated explorer outfit I would have NEVER thought of in 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,998 YEARS! The scarf and the hat go perfectly together, this should be made a real outfit in real life, I would be the first one in line to buy it!!

(Seventh Picture)
Last one! This is a simple outfit made by my friend RueLol that I couldn't help but put it in! This one concentrates more on how the picture was made, timing, and caring about the picture. It looks like a WoozWorlWinterWonderLand

Models: Ruelol, RandomRemi, Me, LuckLuck, and loveinitswage

Friday 17 January 2014


Hey Bursties! ,  Today I Spoke With  2 Woozworld Testers! First I'd Like To Say Congratulations To Both Of Them For Qualifying, Lucky Girls! I Do Not Believe Woozworld Has Chosen 25 Yet, So KEEP YOUR HOPES UP! You Could Be The Next Tester ;) And Yes They Both Had Recieved A Really Exclusive/Rare Tester Tee. + A Special '!' Mark In Front Of Their Woozen Name :D Here Are !Brianna01, And!Mermanda ...

How Cool! Well I'll Be Hunting Down Any More Testers So Keep An Eye Out ;) 

Thursday 16 January 2014

Hacker or Mod Interview!


Hey Bursties!  An EXCLUSIVE Interview For You ;) Today I Interviewed A woozen By The Name Of 'HelloKittyForever' We Were Talking About A Known Topic: HACKING. Well There Are Many Types Of Hacking, Account Hacking, Items Hacking, Wooz Hacking. This One Inparticular: ACCOUNT HACKING.(HelloKittyForever Does Not Support Account Hacking)

                                                                    The Interview:
(me): Hello ! May I Interview You On Behalf Of Woozenz? (No Personal Questions) :)

HelloKittyForever: hello and sure

(me): I'm Going To Ask You A Question, Many Woozens Are Curious.

HelloKittyForever: yes go ahead

 (me): Is It Possible To Hack An Account, WITHOUT Their Information?

HelloKittyForever: not possible to gain pas or anything without them telling you.

 (me): Thankyou For Clarifying!

HelloKittyForever: you should not give information out.

(Also For Some Wondering, Yes I Did Have Permission To Use This Context) :) I Know Some Of You Guys Will Probably Say 'WELL HE HACKS SO ITS OKAY' No. It Not Okay To Hack, He Is Not A Mod Either Just To Also Make That Clear.As You Can See, It Is In Fact IMPOSSIBLE to Be Hacked Without Giving Out Your Information! So Be VERY Careful Who You Trust, I Advise That NO ONE Gives Theirs Out Also for It Is In TheCODE OF CONDUCT! Have Fun And Stay Safe <3 

Saturday 11 January 2014


An interview with Swaguja ^.^

Hey Hai guys ^.^  So today i was thinking of again posting some jokes cuz i really had nothing better to do - yet again , but i was at Woozen Questsearlier , And i spotted Swaguja there, the winner of star of the week! And she begged me to take her interview .I was all like " oh im busy " and she was like " plz plz plz" And i finally agreed .-. . ( jk ) So here it is 

Me : Hi Swag ! :) could i please have a word?                                                         
Swag( swaguja ) : Sure :)                                                                                          
Me : Great ! :P My first question is : How did you win the Star Of the Week ?        
Swag : They loved my outfit ! That's how !                                                              
Me : And how did you get the idea of that awesome outfit ?                                     
Swag: Probably because drag queens got style xD                                                     
Me:  Great answer xD .So do u have anything to say to our readers and upcomers?                           Swag : Remeber to win with style and use lots of bright colours !                                                                           

So that was all , im so going to try out for next week's Star Of the Week xD Wish me luck xP . So anyway yesterday i got lots of messages answering yesterday's questions . 
So guys that was all :P Hoped you like the interview with swaguja xP So that's See you guys next week xP 

Thursday 24 January 2013


Hey guys its me with come cool fashion statments i wear! xD

Number one!
number two!

number three!

Number one is an outfit i use most everyday i play on woozworld xD   the hair is Spartan Hair,
The shirt is A-Student Sweater and the pants are, Cloe's totally polished skirt.

number Two! Number two is an outfit i used actually in a movie someone asked me to be in -not sire if they actually put it on youtube but xD so the hair is Sassy High Braid, the shirt is,  Smiley tee and Backpack and the pants again are cloe's totally polished skirt.

And number three finally is an outfit i love i used to wear but i dont wear now.  The hair is Music star ponytail, the shirt is retro polkadot shirt and finally the pants are zombie legs xD

I hoped you liked this post i kind of did it in a rish because i did it right before i had to go to bed so im sorry if you didnt like it xD so ill see you next time and until then, stay fashionable! ;)